Lala pathway

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Love Story - Part 1

hey Benji...
my love towards you is endless,
boundless and will never fade. InsyaAllah

since i was tooo slow in expressing my feeling towards you :D
(yeah, sokmo2 awak je yang mulakan dulu)
so i'll writing what i'm feeling towards you,
and express it through this way
due to i'm unable to speak properly in front of you, haha! :P

you know what...

and...we always laugh together...

you are..

you're always there for me...
(Thanks sayang!)

i don't even know you always like this... 

and i was also like this,
same as you... 

i never know you will be..... so important.

and we're finally being US

dearest Benji, i do love you more than you will ever know
and i hope this love will not fade untill jannah

nota kaki: saya sayang awak sangat, hehe  ♥  
terima kasih untuk segalanya.
#Credit to HJStory for these adorable animation.


  1. I do love U too dear..huhu

  2. Mentang2 la da pekene Tutti Fruity, KFC..da dpt berdating berDUA pd DUA mlm berturut2..terus ada pasal bnde ni..hahaha

    xpe2..have a LOVE until ur last life in diz world..for u and JENJI!!
    aku simpan bnde ni elok2 k..lalala~~

  3. Yus Ri: wooww! hahahaa! ni yang sayam mu lebeh ni, ehehe! err, laju update :P

    Benji: yes dear! ^^,

  4. Huh..kalo pasal ni..sayam lebey lalu..bnde la..xpe..pasni berDUA2 yer..hahaha

    Benji : I MOGOK!!

  5. Yusri: xmo xmo xmo, jangan mogok2, nak pose da.. hahaha!

  6. yang pasti aku xdop lg siptom2 ni..SELAMAT!!!lalala~~

  7. hai lalink2 yayunk2 sekalian..hik hik hik!

  8. amboiii.... da maju nampak skrg! :D

  9. lalink??yayunk??apekah itu??

    arggh..bestnya org..berSAYAM2 disini...Bahagia!!syok tgk!!lalala

  10. amboiii xde da anonymous da.. ahahah!
    lalink2 yayunk2 tu imply to yusri, not me.. :P
    (sarcasm :P )
