Lala pathway

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


honestly, korang akan rasa menyampah dan terpikat bile baca blog ni, trust no girls, but Wid Skyline. haha :P ~ Hikayat Skyline 

"Woman can forgive, but never forget. they don't want to be understood, but they want to be loved." ~ Unknown

"A room without a book is like a body without a soul, empty." ~ Wid Skyline

"Haram seseorang itu mempunyai kekasih, tetapi tidak berniat untuk menikahinya" ~ U. Azhar Idrus

"A Day Without Laughter Is A Day Wasted."~ Charlie Chaplin

"The time spent with a cat was never wasted" ~ Colette

owh, sweet le kalau balak korang mcm ni :D
Rule #2 - Never fall in love  with your BFF ^^,
"am a woman of ALLAH
Not a man's lady......" ~ Judith McNaught (Whitney, My Love) 

"Some women need no jewels to make them sparkle, You are one of them"
~ Judith MeNaught ( A Kingdom of Dreams)

" I need a husband, not a boyfriend." - Hikayat Skyline


"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then sure as hell you don't deserve me at my best." ~ Marilyn Monroe

in fact...

I tried to be normal, but I didn't like it. Its okay to be different actually, just be yourself everybody else has been taken. Remember, life is too short to wake up in regret. Try to appreciate every single of your breath. Jangan sesekali benci menjadi diri sendiri, we weren't clones, cuba untuk jadi yang lebih baik dari hari-hari yang lepas.

^_^ chill! salam sayam~